Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Sunday Kind of Love

Since today is Palm Sunday I thought I would talk about what a Sunday means to me. The first word I think about when I hear the word "Sunday" is FAMILY. Growing up every Sunday morning was spent at Church followed by a home cooked meal. My mom always made chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn for lunch....and I mean EVERY Sunday. We would sit at the dinner table and enjoy each other's company. I would help my mom clean the kitchen, and then she would retreat to her room for a nap! (I never understood the whole-needing-a-nap thing until I became a Mommy who needed a nap.) After the afternoon nap we would usually go out to the Ranch and visit my Grandparents. I have many good memories of Sunday afternoons spent there which is a whole other post in itself.

Sundays haven't changed much in my grown up life. I get up to the sound of "Mama, Mama, Mama!" I go in and get my baby girl, and we lay on the couch together until Jake wakes up. Brad reads the Sunday paper, usually with both kids in his lap. Then off to church we go. Jake loves to go to Sunday School, and Paige is finally enjoying the church nursery. It sure makes it nice when we can actually listen to what is being preached. After church we usually go out to eat. It's just easier this way. I don't have to cook or clean up before my Sunday afternoon nap...ha,ha! After naps are over we do family things like taking the kids to the park, going to the mall, grocery shopping, or just hanging out together. Both set of grandparents live out of town or we would be spending the afternoons at their houses! Then I will make a home cooked meal for Sunday dinner. After the kids have gone to bed Brad and I usually spend the night in front of the T.V. It's Desperate Housewives and Brother's and Sister's for me, and Brad is usually watching anything and everything on ESPN.

I just love Sundays and wanted to share! When I feel beat down and think, "Well, maybe we will skip Church this week?" I remember someone telling me this. A common thing to keep people from church is the attitude of "I don't remember what the pastor says anyway once I get home." And the response is this: "You may not remember everything that you've eaten over the last week, but it's still nourishment for your body. So, even if you don't remember everything that was preached it's still nourishment for your soul."

I have always loved Reba McEntire's song, A Sunday Kind of Love. For your viewing pleasure I have linked the video. If you have about 3-4 minutes you should watch it.
And, of course a picture of Jake and Paige
before church this morning.

I hope you all are having A Sunday Kind of Love!


  1. Sundays have always been family time for me, too. I just hate it that we live far away from our families - Sunday lunch is the best!
