Monday, April 27, 2009

Price Adjustments

Today I took the kids to the mall to get out of the house and as I walked through Sears I noticed that our new washer/dryer is now cheaper than what we paid for it. I asked about a price adjustment and sure enough they offer a 30 day guarantee on price adjustments PLUS 10% of the total adjustment. So, guess what??? We get back $457.58!!!! I just LOVE a bargain!!

I love to buy nice clothes for my kids, and I have saved a fortune by getting price adjustments. Old Navy and Gap offer a 7 day price adjustment. It used to be 14 days, but they just recently changed their policy. I'm sure many other stores do the same thing, you just have to ask!

And, of course pictures...

Eating breakfast outside on Nana's porch. What could be better than that?

Going to Nana's park!


  1. holey moley! think of all the kid clothes you can buy now! ha! that is awesome!

  2. Yay! for price adjustments...I think Target's is 14 days still.
