Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Story Time

Today Paige met her friends, Hannah and Leah, at Pottery Barn Kids for story time. This was the first time I had taken her. I thought surely PBK would have an amazing story time! After all, they do have a high reputation and strive to be at the top of all things that involve children. Well, today they failed me!

The girl that lead story time was unprepared, rude, and didn't know how to handle children, especially my 2 year old. Paige was uninterested and I can't blame her. The girl read with a monotone voice and was fumbling around the words. She obviously hadn't read the stories before hand. She told Paige to "Sit down and listen to the story." Then she shot me a dirty look! As if I wasn't controlling my child! AS IF!!!! It probably doesn't sound that bad, but the other moms who were with me felt the same way. So, that's my rant for the day! I will try Barnes and Noble story time next week....

Here's a picture of Paige and Hannah after story time was over.
(Leah had already gone, so wasn't in the picture.)

On a good note, these two cuties got to walk around Utica Square and have lunch with their Mommies!


  1. What a bummer! I've never been to a PB story time but have thought about it...we did happen upon a Barnes & Noble storytime once and they even had an appearance by Clifford - the kids LOVED it! I was kicking myself for not havimg my camera :(

  2. Look at those little sweeties! We'll have to try again next week! (but not at PBK!)

  3. I love story time at the Hardesty Library - check it out.
