Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A day spent with girlfriends

Today was a great day! Becky came up to visit and we spent the whole day hanging out. We were without kids, which doesn't happen very often. We got pedicures, shopped the 75 % off sale at Dillard's, used our Gymbucks at Gymboree, and went to lunch at the Brook. We accomplished all this in just the morning!

Then, this afternoon I hosted a jewelry party for her at my house and more girlfriends came over. We looked at jewelry, ate cookies, and chatted while our kids ran around and played. Doesn't get much better than that!

And, because every post must have a picture....

My little cuddle bugs after bath time tonight. This is part of the nighttime routine...bath, jammies, milk, blanket/stuffed animal, cuddle on the couch while watching Noggin, and a good laugh with brother!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! Now for the obvious question... how does Jake not wet the bed after he's had milk right before bed? :)
