Monday, October 5, 2009

Fairy Princess Pictures

Follow this link to view Paige's fairy princess pictures! Be prepared to LOVE them!! She did so well that the girl who took her pictures said, "If I have a daughter some day I hope she is just like Paige." I totally needed to hear that comment on that particular day. We had gymnastics the day before and all I heard from her gym teacher was negative comments, and I was feeling pretty bad about my mothering abilities. God sure knows when a Mama needs to hear something good. This photographer saw how precious my daughter is, and it shows in the pictures. I couldn't be happier with them!


  1. Katie they are beautiful!!! She doesn't look two!! Such a big girl!

  2. They're sooo gorgeous!! Love them! You have a beautiful daughter.

  3. Paige is SO beautiful! Those pictures couldn't have turned out more perfect! I hope I can get Laney to pose as well when she's two.

  4. just beautiful. And don't you ever doubt your mama skills! You are a great mother!

  5. I agree with Joy. She doesn't look 2 - more like the back half of 3. Breathtaking!

  6. Those are gorgeous! and what kind of negative comments? ugh, critics!
