Saturday, March 28, 2009

Save Our Hospital

Last night we went to a hospital function at the Double Tree. It was a "thank you" to all the residents, doctors, and people who had a hand in helping the OSU Medical Center stay open. For those of you who don't know, the OSU Medical Center was going to close. They were planning to move all the residencies to other hospitals, some even out of state. As you can image, the residents were very upset about this. They got together and formed a campaign called, "Save Our Hospital." Needless to say, it worked! So, last night was a celebration of the hospital being saved.
All dressed up!

Brad and Ryan standing in front of the plaque that
will hang in the hospital with all the resident's names.

Here we are with the Oden's. Ryan and Brad
have been best buds since Medical School.

Jake and Paige posed for a picture before we left.
Nana was in charge of these two for the night! Thank you Mom!


  1. I hope there was a good turn out. Kyle skipped it to go to Hayes' school party. You look awfully purdy!

  2. Ya'll looked great - hope you had a great time!
