Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One More Thing To Do

Am I crazy? What am I thinking? These are the questions I'm asking myself right now. I have a lot of friends that blog, and I have really enjoyed reading about their daily happenings. So, I decided to go ahead and start my own. I really want a way for family and friends to be able to keep up with our lives just by checking this blog. I also want a documentation of what life is like during this particular "season" of our lives....raising two children, dealing with residency, etc. My babies are growing up way too fast, and I want to be able to go back and remember this time. After writing all of that I have just convinced myself AGAIN to start up this blog. I hope you enjoy reading it. I can't promise a daily entry, but I will do my best!


  1. Woo! Hoo! So glad you started one girlie!

  2. Love the first two posts! I think you'll find blog writing a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing updates!

  3. Yeah! Welcome to the blogosphere! :o)

  4. YAY! So glad you are blogging!

  5. Welcome to the world of blogging!!

  6. You're off to a great start. You're going to love going back and reading about what life was like "way back when". Welcome to the Blogosphere!

  7. Hooray! I get to peek in on you and your family!
