Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lil' Golfer

Brad and Jake had some "guy time" last night. While Paige and I went to the mall, they went golfing. I have a feeling that's how it will be for many years!

Brad gave him a choice of either going swimming or golfing and he chose to golf. Who would've guessed? Maybe we have a future pro on our hands.

For your viewing pleasure....


  1. My husband is so envious. He used to play back in the day. He wishes for someone to share his love of golf. Jake looks to be hitting the ball straight down the fairway.

  2. Awesome! And he's even got the 'after hit' pose down. So cute.

  3. What a great shot! My goal as a kid was always to get the ball into the didn't matter as *much* about how far it went. *wink*
