Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paigie Girl

Is it too much to ask to want her to look at me like this forever?

Right now, I'm her hero. She thinks I'm pretty.
She gives me kisses and hugs. She wants me to lay with her at night.
She looks at me like I'm perfect. I'm her best friend.
I'm the best Mommy in the whole world.

This little angel baby reminds me everyday that God answers prayers.
She was a miracle. I'm so glad she looks at me through those precious blue eyes and sees a Mommy that loves her. I hope she remembers that. Always.


  1. Sweet girl, just like her Mama!

  2. sweet! I second Trisha, great pics!

  3. This is a such a sweet post, made me want to cry. You are a great momma and she's so lucky to have YOU as her role model! I hope Isabel & I have that relationship.

    Oh, and I love her cowboy boots!! I just bought my first pair!
