Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Paige's 1st day of Preschool

She loves her backpack!
Walking down the hall like such a big girl!

She wanted to get her Kitty Cat blanket out of her backpack.
She kept saying, "Need Kit Cat." But, Miss Debbie told her only at rest time!
Then, she decided to sit down with a good book and read.

I can't believe my baby is old enough to start preschool, even if it's just the two year old program. She walked right in and acted like she had been there forever. 3 out of the 6 kids in the class were crying, and Paige just went on about her buisness like it was no big deal that I was leaving. I now have two days to myself.....oh, the things I can get done!


  1. I'm not surprised she was such a pro! Love the outfit. Our first days is tomorrow. :)

  2. Congrats on two days to yourself! She looks so grown up!

  3. Yes, congrats on getting a couple of days to yourself! What WILL you do?

    Love Paige's outfit! Glad to hear she welcomed preschool with full arms.
