Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Zoo and Golf

Today we went to the zoo with Joy, Hannah, and Baby David. It rained all morning, but by the time we pulled into the zoo it had stopped, and the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect! We packed a sack lunch and made a afternoon out of it.

These little monkeys had a great time!

Then, this evening Jake and I started golf lessons with Michelle and Chloe. My goal is to be able to play with Brad by the end of the summer without totally embarrassing him on the golf course. Today went pretty well. Our next lesson is Friday and I can't wait!

What a crew!
Is it a future Phil Mickelson I see?


  1. We had a great time! And glad you had fun golfing!

  2. I took lessons back before Madeline was born. Needless to say, the first time Matt and I went out together was our last! I haven't picked up a club since then.

  3. Thank goodness Kyle doesn't like golf. I was forced to be on the team in high school and we ended up at State. How embarrasing!
