Saturday, June 27, 2009

Looking Back...

I am starting something new with my blog. Occasionally I will post old pictures that are too cute not to share. Trisha does this with her blog, and it's such a cute idea I stole it from her! Thanks girlie! So, here's the first picture in the "Looking Back" series...

Jake (12 months) was pretty proud of himself when he peed all over his Daddy!


  1. He's so pretty, he could be a girl... Jake, that is! :)

  2. Funny how you don't mind when your baby pees on you :)

  3. I haven't been over to your blog since we convinced you to make the "jump" (but now I've added it to my Favorites)....I love the color and design.

    I, too, have stolen this idea from Trisha (that girl comes up with some good ideas). That Jake of yours is so cute! Josiah never peed on Randy but Laney has...boy, it sure is picture-worthy!
