Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Papa and his hair

This is the conversation Jake and I had in the car on the way to swim lessons today.

Jake- "Mom, I would still be me if I lost all my hair, right?"
Me- "What do you mean? Why would you lose your hair?"
Jake- "I mean when I get old. Papa doesn't have any hair."
Me- "Yes, even if you lost all your hair you would still be YOU."
Jake- "Well, Papa does have some hair."

Jake (almost 5 months) and Papa at the lake.

Jake (2 1/2) and Papa at the lake.

Jake has always been a Papa's boy! He loves to go fishing with him, help him in the green house, help him mow and plant flowers, or just hang out watching Star Wars.

I think it was so cute how he defended Papa's hair! "Well, Papa does have SOME hair!"

Kids say and think the funniest things!

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