Sunday, November 14, 2010

Home Sweet Home

It sure feels good to be home. Brad and I went to Nashville last week for a conference. The trip didn't quite turn out as we expected. The first two days were, eating at great places, making an appearance at the CMA red carpet, seeing lots of celebs, and then it happened. Boom! I GOT SICK. I spent the last 36 hours of our trip in bed. Like couldn't get out of bed sick. Brad said it was strep, so it must have been. Who am I to argue with a doctor? I've never had strep, but believe me, I never want it again.

Today, life is good. I'm home with my babies, who I missed terribly. I'm about to sit down with a big bowl of ice-cream and watch all my shows on DVR that I missed last week. I'll post the few pictures of Nashville that I have later....After icecream and TV.


  1. I'm so sad you were sick the last part of your trip, but glad you had fun during the first few days!

  2. Oh man! Sorry you were sick. I love Nashville, too!

  3. Sorry! :( At least you didn't have to take care of anyone other than yourself when you were sick. I can't wait to hear about the red carpet. That's awesome!

  4. Oh wow! I'm glad you had some fun, but sorry about the strep... I have had it and it is BAD.

  5. CMA's Red Carpet?!? Wow!! Do share details!!
