Friday, January 7, 2011

Back Dating

So, it's been a while since I've updated my blog and I have tons to blog about, so just get ready to see some back-dating. I realize we are well into January, but I will be blogging about Christmas and New Years and Jake's birthday. It's more for me so that I have a record of everything since I've failed to keep up with my scrapbooking. Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow to update this bloggy blog of mine. Until then, here's a picture of our front door when it still had lights on it. They came to take down all the lights a few days ago, and the children were NOT HAPPY!


  1. Lovely! Alex had a MELTDOWN when I took the ornaments off the tree - he hung them back up just as fast as I took them down... He is not happy about it at all, lol. "WHERE IS CRIFMAS!?" he asks...
