The only downer today was that I got stung by a bee twice. Yes, a bee. Seriously hurt! It almost brought tears to my ears. I haven't been stung since I was a kid and forgot how painful it was. Now, I have a swollen left hand and a big red spot on my stomach. Maybe that bee was telling me that I shouldn't be wearing a bikini...ha!

Love the expression on his face!
Tea anyone? Just the right amount of chlorine has been added for your pleasure.
Having a little snack
Cool Ranch Doritos are a must have for summer!
Jake sharing his icecream sandwich with little sister. He really is the best big brother!
That looks like a great pool. Is it in your neighborhood?
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun time! What a stud Jake is on that slide!! For sure gonna have to check that pool out next summer.
ReplyDeleteSO fun..and YAY for family time! Sorry about that bee...definitely not a fun way to spend time at the pool. :-(