Jake and Paige have been anxiously waiting for today....Toy Story 3 came out! They've been watching Toy Story 1&2 for weeks now, and counting down the days until they could see the new one.
I must say that I wasn't expecting so many emotions to be attached with this movie. It's all about growing up as Andy goes off to college and has to decide what to do with his favorite toys.....donate, put them in the attic, or take to college. You'll have to watch the movie to find out what he decides....curious, aren't you? They showed home movies of him playing as a boy, and then in walks Andy as a 17 year old boy packing for college. Now, I know Jake has 12 more years to go, but I started getting weepy thinking about him growing up.
I thought I was the only one that was over-thinking the movie, but Jake's little mind started wandering off to the future too. He is soooo much like me it's scary! He said, "Why is Andy taller than his Mom now?" I explained all about growing up and that sometimes kids will outgrow their parents. He talked about college all.day.long. He planned out which toys he would take, etc. Then when he figured out that Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be going to college with him he started to cry. Yes, my precious 6 year old boy is already sad that he can't live with us forever. I explained to him that Daddy and I used to live with our parents and then we went to college, got married, and had our own family. Then he says, "You mean someday I have to be in a wedding?" Yep, son. Someday you will find a beautiful girl and marry her. As he's wiping tears away, Paige pops off, "Bruber, be brave. I want to go to college. It's fun!"
Oh, how my two children are different. Jake is sad that he can't live with me forever and Paige is already planning her getaway to college parties, boys, and lots of fun. Geeeez! Who knew a kid movie could produce a whole days worth of discussion between a Mommy, a 6 year old boy, and a 3 year old girl.
So, if you plan to take your kids to see this movie, and you should, be prepared. Or maybe my kids are just weird and over-think things like their Mama.