Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The countdown...

These precious smiles go a long way in helping calm down an anxious Mama.
The packers will be here tomorow.....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Little Ladies

Can you guess who these precious babies are?

They have been friends since birth and are only 10 days apart.

They do everything together!

I think they are going to miss eachother.....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

"The Adventure"

Jake named his new masterpiece "The Adventure."

After I took his picture he said, "Mom, I need to add the American flag."
What a patriotic little fella....

Jake continues to amaze me with his ability to build things.
Legos have been such a wonderful thing for him,
and have brought his imagination to life!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Last Saturday as Tulsans

We spent our last Saturday in Tulsa at the Zoo.
Daddy had to work, so it was just me and the kids.

The zoo has the best popcorn!
We must have been hungry, because by the
end of the train ride it was all gone.

Paige talked all day about the elephants,
and then choose to ride one on the carousel.
His smile is so precious with those two front teeth missing!

The weather was perfect, and it was a great day!
It would have been better if Brad would have been able to go,
but someone has to bring home the bacon, right???

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bubbles entertainment

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Last Hurrah

Crystal, Bri, Me, Joy, Trisha, Heather, and Diane These girls are my besties. All of their husbands were classmates with Brad in medical school, and we have an incredible bond because of it. We have endured medical school, pregnancies, babies, residency, heartaches, joys, and have even taken vacations together. I am so lucky to have shared this crazy medical ride with these girls.
But, this is not the end. Even though a few of us are leaving Tulsa after residency we are already planning girls' weekends and spa trips. Oh, what we have to look forward to!

Don't we look pitiful with our sad faces? (Well, all except Joy and Heather...ha!)

We had an amazing night at Los Cabos sitting out on the patio. Margaritas may or may not have been involved.....what a fun last "hurrah" for all of us!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Potty Trained

Paige has been completely potty trained now for 3 weeks!
I officially don't have a baby anymore.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bedtime Laughs

It seems like my kids always get a second wind right before bedtime, which makes for a lot of good laughs. Tonight they were making faces at eachother and cracking up. I love to hear them laugh....even when it's time for bed.

Do you notice something new about Jake?
(The tooth fairy is making another visit tonight!!!)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Driving Range

Brad worked all weekend and as soon as he walked in the door
he took these two little golfers to the driving range.
I tagged along too, and even had some good hits.
This was Paige's first time to actually hit golf balls at the range.
She did really well and didn't run around like a
crazy 3 year old like I thought she would. This means she gets to go back!!

Jake started off hitting the ball right away,
which was impressive since he hasn't hit balls since last summer.

He wanted to practice his putting game too!

And, what could be better than Braums to end a Sunday afternoon?
We plan to spend a lot of Sunday afternoons at the golf course as a family. I'm so glad that Jake and Paige are interested in something that they can do for a lifetime. I sure wish I would have started earlier!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Top Tooth

Jake lost his top tooth yesterday at school. I tried to pull it the night before, but there was too much blood for me or him to deal with. Thank goodness for the corndog at the cafeteria! He was so proud of it when he got in the car. His other top front tooth is very loose too, so pretty soon he will be missing his two front teeth.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Sunday

We started of Easter morning by giving Jake and Paige their Easter baskets.

Then a cheesy picture...

A family picture before going to church...

After church it was off to Grandma Lois' house.

Look at all those little Liston cousins with their Great Grandma Lois.

After gathering a few eggs herself Paige decided to take some eggs from baby Caroline. She was at least polite about it. She said, "Thank you baby"every time she took an egg. Then she would replace the egg with grass on Caroline's blanket. Only my precious Paige.....

Jake was sore later that day from running around non-stop.
He climbed trees and fences with his cousins.
Jake actually helped Paige find the pink eggs.

I loved her dress this year so much!
Family picture with Grammy and Papa.

Easter is such a blessed time of the year. It reminds us of Jesus' unconditional love for all of us and how he died on the cross for our sins. It is a time of new beginnings. The weather was perfect and being with family is priceless.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Egg Hunt at G&P's

After attending a Liston family wedding on Saturday afternoon we came back to Grammy and Papa's and did an Easter egg hunt with my nephew, Grant.

Ready, Set, Go....

Aunt Katie loves her niece to pieces!

Who could resist this smile?

Jamie and Jenna
A beautiful pair of girls

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter

I hope you all have an amazing Easter weekend!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Future Artist?

After Jake went to sleep last night Paige and I had some quality time together....
(meaning she wouldn't go to sleep because she took a nap!) Anyway, she sat down and started drawing. I was amazed at what she drew. It's pretty good for someone who just turned 3! This kept her busy for a long time. She was so proud of herself. She kept asking me to take pictures. Here are two samples of her beautiful artwork. She said it was a picture of herself.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools Day

My little man is quite the comedian. I came home from Walgreens this afternoon, and he ran up to me and said, "Mom, Paige drew all over her room with a marker!" When I started to freak out he said, "April Fools!"

Then, as we were checking out yesterday at the store he scared the poo out of me! I was talking to the cashier and he said, "Mom, look." I turned around and he had a rubber snake in my face. I screamed!! The cashier rolled with laughter. I guess she thought it was funnier than I did.