Tonight we celebrated Christmas with our special group of friends.
There are 14 kids between us, and boy-o-boy did they have fun!

Santa made a surprise visit!

Jake and Paige have been extra good this year.
They have seen Santa 3 times already!

This guy was pumped about his new dinosaur book.

Paige told Santa this time that she wanted a dog.
I hate to tell her that Santa won't be bringing one. Ha!

She waited so patiently to open her gift.

As you can tell, she loved her princess book!

The kids gathered for a story about the first Christmas.

Yummy hot chocolate was served after all the Christmas caroling. This might have been my favorite part of the evening. We went through the neighborhood and sang songs. There was one little old lady that was so precious. The kids totally made her day, probably even made her year, by singing to her. Good memories!
Hearing their little voices melts my heart.